Araceli Serantes Pazos
I am an instructor at the UDC, and specialist in Environmental Education (environmental education centers). I am a member of ECIGAL-UDC (Global Citizenship Education Research Group), GPEA-UFMG ( Research Group on Environmental Education, Communication and Art ), SEPA-USC (through the Resclima Project ), the Permanent Seminar on environmental education centers of CENEAM, SGEA (Galician Society of Environmental Education), AIP (Association for the Interpretation of Heritage) and SIPS (Iberoamerican Society of Social Pedagogy).
I have work experience in the field of environmental education and development cooperation, both in the public and private sectors and in the third sector; I also have experience as a teacher and researcher in these same fields. My lines of research have been environmental education, heritage interpretation, public use in Protected Natural Areas, social movements and citizen participation, local development and sociocultural animation. Currently I am more focused on the educational aspects of climate change, environmental justice and global citizenship education.
About me
I have an undergraduate degree in Pedagogy from the University of Santiago (specializing in Educational Intervention) and a PhD in Psychopedagogy from the University of A Coruña, with a thesis entitled "Environmental education equipment in Galicia: analysis of reality and proposals for quality criteria." I currently teach classes at the Faculty of Education of the UDC in subjects related to environmental education, heritage interpretation, sustainable development and environmental ethics.
Even before finishing my degree, I started working on a farm-school in Granada, an experience that marked my working life and my academic and research interests. In addition to working in centers such as school farms, nature classrooms and urban ecology classrooms, I was Head of University Extension at CEIDA for 10 years.
Having the opportunity to travel and work in different Latin American and Portuguese-speaking countries has allowed me to meet and collaborate with professionals from different continents. Currently my strongest academic link is with Brazil, through the GPEA of the Federal University of Mato Grosso and colleagues from the Universities of São Paulo and the Federal University of Paraná.
I have been managing editor of the environmentally sustainable journal (Revista científica galego-lusófona de educación ambiental) since its inception in 2006, a commitment to research, critical reflection and dissemination of experiences from minority languages such as Galician and Portuguese.
My current lines of research are more focused on communicating climate change and the contribution of education to mitigating, adapting to and resisting change (through GPEA and Resclima) and on global citizenship education (through ECIGAL). I have also collaborated with the current PAEAS ( Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainability of the Ministry of Ecological Transition). My latest publications are a chapter on environmental education centers in a research-based report led by Javier Benayas and Carmelo Marcén (2019) entitled Hacia una Educación para la Sostenibilidad. 20 años después del Libro Blanco de la Educación Ambiental, a chapter on centers and climate change in a book edited by Ivo Dickmann and Luciane Cortiano Liotti (2020) Educaçåo Ambiental crítica. Experiências e vivências; articles on how to understand climate change textbooks in journals including Documentación Social, AmbientalMENTEsustentable, Cuadernos de Pesquisa: Pensamento Educacional and the Revista Brasileira de Ensino Meio. In the field of global citizenship education, I contributed to several chapters in the book edited by Renée DePalma (2020), La educación para el desarrollo y la ciudadanía global: Una experiencia de investigación-acción participativa.
Faculty of Education
University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus 15071. A Coruña