Researching in the territory to identify and recognize schools that address development and global citizenship education in Galicia (II) (2019-2020)
PI: Rosa Mª Méndez García and Patricia Digón Regueiro
Other members of the research team:
Ana Margarita Lampón Gude
Araceli Serantes Pazos
Laura Cruz López
María Cristina Naya Riveiro
María Cristina Pérez Crego
María José Caride Delgado
Renée DePalma
Collaborating entity: Galician Internacional Solidarity
Funding body: Directorate-General for External Relations and the European Union. Xunda de Galicia.
Amount of financing: 43,377.67 euros

Continuing the previous project, we continue to pursue two main objectives: to identify and recognize the experiences of Gobal Citizenship Education that are taking place in Galician schools and, at the same time, to promote reflection on the meaning and potential of this approach, with the aim of improving practice. Social cartography continues to employed as a research-in-action methodology, with the original intention of setting up a cartographic room for the mapping of experiences in different localities throughout the Galician territory.
The pandemic situation interrupted this process, and as a result we decided to concentrate our efforts on creating a digital map of GCE experiences in Galician schools. This map is an interactive tool that allows us to geolocate the experiences of both the teachers involved and the social entities promoting or collaborating.
Cruz-Lopez, Laura; Digón-Regueiro, Patricia and Méndez-GarcÃa, Rosa MarÃa (2021). Social cartography as a participatory process for mapping experiences of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: an account of the design. International Journal of Research and Method in Education .