María Caride Delgado
I am a Social Educator and Project Specialist at the NGDO Galician International Solidarity. I work in the organization’s Department of Global Citizenship Education.
My work focuses mainly on promoting Global Citizenship Education, both in regulated (at all stages) and non-regulated education, as well as on generating collaborations and synergies with different institutions and organizations that aim for social and political transformation towards a critical, empowered and emancipated global citizenry.
At my NGDO we are aware that it is essential to move towards practices of inter-institutional collaborative work, in which each entity assumes a differentiated role, according to its potential, while still allowing us to provide common and comprehensive responses to the complexities of today's society. For this reason, I believe that including profiles like mine, outside the academy, closer to the action, adds value to the ECIGAL research group.
International Solidarity of Galicia
Vereda del Polvorín 2
15002. A Coruña