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María Caride Delgado

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I am a Social Educator and Project Specialist at the NGDO Galician International Solidarity. I work in the organization’s Department of Global Citizenship Education.

My work focuses mainly on promoting Global Citizenship Education, both in regulated (at all stages) and non-regulated education, as well as on generating collaborations and synergies with different institutions and organizations that aim for social and political transformation towards a critical, empowered and emancipated global citizenry.  

At my NGDO we are aware that it is essential to move towards practices of inter-institutional collaborative work, in which each entity assumes a differentiated role, according to its potential, while still allowing us to provide common and comprehensive responses to the complexities of today's society. For this reason, I believe that including profiles like mine, outside the academy, closer to the action, adds value to the ECIGAL research group. 

About me

I have degrees in Social Education and Psychopedagogy from the University of A Coruña, and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in the doctoral program on Innovation and Educational Research in the department of Pedagogy and Teaching at the University of A Coruña. Since 2005 I have been an education project specialist in Galician International Solidarity. Throughout these years of professional experience, my work within the organization has focused mainly on the management and coordination of all types of education initiatives for global citizenship (design, formulation, implementation, evaluation and justification of activities and projects).  

I have experience as a lecturer, trainer and organizer of conferences and seminars on Global Citizenship Education. In addition to my professional practice in the area of Education, I also actively participate in other areas promoted by the NGDO, such as Fair Trade, Social Participation and Development Cooperation.  

My research experience is linked to the years in which I completed my doctoral studies, and since 2013 I have been participating in the the organization’s research area thanks to collaborative work with the University of A Coruña and the University of Santiago, always linked to Global Citizenship Education and transformative pedagogies.  

As a social educator, I focus on cooperating in the generation of social alternatives and projects that contribute to the development and implementation of strategies aimed at global justice. 

For all of these reasons, I am guided by two maxims that I always try to apply, both professionally and personally: "Co-responsibility," in other words, to think globally and to act locally; and "Consistency between thinking, feeling and doing." I believe that both of these help me to avoid losing sight of what is important.


International Solidarity of Galicia 

Vereda del Polvorín 2 

15002. A Coruña


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