Patricia Digón Regueiro
I am a university lecturer in the area of Teaching and School Organization, specializing in the fields of media education and information and communication technologies applied to education. I began my research career in the field of gender and music education and later specialized in the field of media education. My interest in the sociology of education and critical pedagogy is always present in my research work. In recent years, my dedication to the study of global citizenship education has allowed me to continue to apply a critical approach to the analysis of media and technological resources, orienting their integration into the educational system towards the goal of critical media and digital literacy.
About me
I studied Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy, earning a doctorate with cum laude from the University of A Coruña with a thesis entitled "What happened to Nannerl Mozart? Gender and music in compulsory schooling." From this work I have published several articles, including An analysis of gender in a Spanish music textbook" in Music Education Research (2000) and "Gender and music" in Music and Education (2000) along with the book ¿Qué fue de Nannerl Mozart?: género y música en la escuela obligatoria, published by MCEP Spain (2005).
As a result of my teaching assignments I began to specialize in the field of media education and information and communication technologies as applied to education, conducting various research analyses of media products and their integration into school contexts, and publishing articles such as “El caduco mundo de Disney: propuesta de análisis crítico en la escuela” (2006) and “Programación infantil y televisión sensacionalista: entretener, desinformar deseducar” (2008) both in the journal Comunicar. My initial interest in critical pedagogy and the sociology of education have remained present throughout my research.
In recent years, participation in research projects on global citizenship education has helped me continue to focus the study of the media on critical approaches to the curriculum, working to integrate this perspective into the formation of a digital and media literacy citizenry committed to social and environmental justice. Along these lines, some of my latest published works are “La educomunicación en proyectos de educación para el desarrollo y la ciudadanía global” (2019) in a collective work published by Graó and edited by Renée DePalma, “Education as fiction: market ideology and best teacher awards” in the journal Pedagogy, Cuture & Society (2020) (https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2020.1801815), “Social cartography as a participatory process for mapping experiences of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: an account of the design” in the International Journal of Research and Method in Education (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1080/1743727X.2021.1966621) and "Dilemmas in the integration of technologies in a primary school classroom: the dialogue between teacher agency, curriculum and digital technologies" in Pedagogies: an international journal (https://doi.org/10.1080/1554480X.2021.2013235).
Faculty of Education
University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus 15071. A Coruña
981 167000 ext. 4614